iSWAY FC Adaptive tested in Aachen
The compact pressurization unit is used for escape route smoking prevention during a fire with the aid of overpressure. The iSWAY FC Adaptive device enables for the protection of all standard premises constituting vertical and horizontal escape routes both in residential and office buildings as well as industrial units.
The device is equipped with modern Plum Sp. z o.o. automation, with an adaptive control system. The control system is based on an algorithm which uses neural networks for constant learning. The controller automatically adapts to a given situation and environment, based on real time information. By introducing such an innovative solution, we are able to ensure safety during an evacuation under every fire scenario.
Taking into consideration the current state of the law and to ensure the highest possible quality of its products, Smay Sp. z o.o. is the first European manufacturer of electronically controlled systems to conduct a number of voluntary iSWAY FC Adaptive compact pressurization unit tests returning a positive result. ,
The tests included comprehensive tests carried out by German pressure differential system experts and technicians at the I.F.I. laboratory. The conducted tests showed, beyond all reasonable doubt, that correctly designed and configured electronically controlled pressure differential systems can fully comply with the functional requirements as defined by the PN-EN 12101-6:2007 standard, which, until now, was frequently questioned.
Report results: