Changes in SMAY Management Board

We would like to inform you that Marzena Maj joined SMAY Management Board as Vice-President at the beginning of January.

Marzena has been with the company for over 20 years. Until now, she was the Commercial Director and the Proxy of the company. In her new role, Marzena will be responsible for the strategy of building relations with customers, sales policy and marketing in Poland and abroad.
Tomasz Karolak, previous Deputy Director, has taken over the Commercial Director duties.

All company shares belong to the Maj family, who perform all proprietary and management functions within the business. The owners’ desire is to remain a family-owned company, with Polish capital, in accordance with the established family code stating that one family keeps all shares and administrative functions. In the next few months, the company will launch a large investment, i.e. the construction of its new production facility and registered office, which will make it possible to expand into foreign markets.