Floor diffusers NSCT

Floor diffusers NSCT

NSCT diffusers are designed for air distribution directly to the people stay zone. They are installed in the floors.
The swirl method of air distribution causes the increased induction and fast unification of the air temperature in people stay zone. The air from the diffuser after encountering the heat source is subject to intrinsic warning up. As a result, the thermal air current is formed and it carries up to the ceiling the warmed air and the contaminations that are lighter then air.
These contaminations are removed from there with the separate exhaust ventilation.


NSCT body is equipped with stationary wheels in the circle arrangement, adapted for swirl air blowing.
The frontal panel hiding the wheels is round and made out of the perforated sheet (stainless steel as an option).
The diffuser is made out of the powder varnished steel in black color RAL9005.
On order, it is possible to varnish with different colour RAL

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Product from category: Diffusers
Tomasz Majewski
Tomasz Majewski
Deputy Export Director
Radek Sikorski
Radek Sikorski
International Business Development Manager
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