Indoor Air Quality and the Sick Building Syndrome

The sick building syndrome and the issue of microbiological air pollution inside rooms

Monika Garbacz
Technical sales advisor – SMAY
The research shows that concentration of microbiological air pollution inside rooms can be two to five times higher than outside. Inadequate indoor ambient air quality can contribute to the so-called sick building syndrome. The term denotes a number of health problems, such as headaches, dizziness, fainting or breathing difficulties. The type of difficulties depends on the number of microorganisms in the inhaled air, exposure time, and individual immune response of a given human being. The sick building syndrome has a huge impact on our physical and mental state inside rooms. The quality of inhaled air influences our level of concentration, general well-being, and therefore also working and learning effectiveness. In this context, our level of attention to the microclimate and ambient air quality inside the building becomes crucial.

ELIXAIR filters in the battle against the sick building syndrome
Mechanical ventilation systems should be serviced on a regular basis. The user is not always aware of the required maintenance activities. Any negligence may lead to undesirable effects, which will have an impact on residents and users health. SMAY offers smart solutions for commercial and private use. They control and improve indoor air quality.
ELIXAIR electrostatic filters decrease the level of pollution and ensure required ambient air quality in offices, private rooms, operating rooms and laboratories. The principle of nanofilter operation is based on the most effective electrostatic air purification method. In contrast to HEPA filters, ELIXAIR nanopurifiers do not use non-woven filters, where micro-organisms can replicate. The sediment accumulated in a filter is biologically neutral, and the device just needs to be washed under running water.

Fig. 1. Functioning of different air filter types.
By using filters in ventilation systems, dust, pollen and microorganisms do not get into air, and the risk of allergy is reduced. Duct filters catch and neutralize up to 99.8% of all air pollution, including the smallest nanoparticles, even as small as 0.03 μm. What is more, a filter with activated carbon removes a considerable amount of harmful gases and odours that get into the building along with outside air.
The filters protect the ventilation system itself as well, because they catch pollution that may damage the installation.
The inspection and evaluation of air microbiological purity, as well as properly designed ventilation system, ensure comfort and safety of building users, regardless of its intended use.
Author: Monika Garbacz, support for architects and designers.
Basic features of the iFlow system:
• Measures and adjusts such parameters as temperature and CO2 emissions;
• Measures air quality parameters: VOC and humidity;
• Detects motion;
• Allows you to configure a room occupancy schedule individually for every room;
• Monitors room parameters and correct operation of VAV regulators;
• Controls the central unit and optimises ventilation system energy consumption;
• Equipped with a built-in web server that controls the system.
Benefits of the iFlow system:
• Reduces ventilation system operating costs;
• Controls VAV regulators and room parameters;
• Changes system parameters independently from a web server;
• Gets a dedicated solution with proven control algorithms.