Duct pressurisation unit iSWAY-RFC®

Duct pressurisation unit iSWAY-RFC®

Intended use

The iSWAY® set of products are intended for overpressure protection against smoke of escape routes in buildings in case of fire, Examples of SAFETY WAY® system layouts both during evacuation and rescue and firefighting operations. Thanks to a wide range of variants and available accessories, even the most complex pressure differential systems can be built of iSWAY® devices to provide effective protection against smoke in evacuation routes in buildings of various purposes.

Principle of operation

The creation and precise regulation of overpressure in protected spaces is carried out by changing the fan capacity based on measuring the pressure difference between the protected space and the reference (interior of the building or surroundings). The air stream supplied to the protected space is set automatically by changing the rotation speed of the fan equipped with a frequency converter (inverter). ISWAY® devices ensure that the escape routes are kept free of smoke, both during the pressure criterion (all doors closed) as well as during evacuation and rescue and fire-fighting operations (open doors in accordance with the adopted design assumptions). The sets of iSWAY-FC®, -RFC® and -WFC® devices provide continuous measurement and monitoring of overpressure in the protected space and an immediate response to its change by increasing or reducing the fan capacity without the need for mechanical overpressure dampers in staircases and standard transfer flaps in the atria.

Each device implements an individually programmed scenario, which means that there is no need to use a master controller. A dedicated two-way, ring-type fireBUS® bus has been used for communication and control. There are two types of fireBUS® loops:

  • Global fireBUS® – a global loop connecting MAC-FC controllers in iSWAY automation cabinets and a Control and Signal Board (TSS) or Control Board (TS),
  • Local fireBUS® – a local loop connecting MAC-FC controllers remote pressure difference sensors P-MACF, pressure regulators MAC-D-Min, temperature sensors T-MAC and MAC-LINK cards.
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See also

Product from category: Smoke control systems
Tomasz Majewski
Tomasz Majewski
Deputy Export Director
Radek Sikorski
Radek Sikorski
International Business Development Manager
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